Oneplus 10 pro vs iPhone 13 – Which one is the Best in 2023

In the ever-evolving world of smartphones, the choice between the OnePlus 10 Pro vs iPhone 13 is a decision that many find themselves pondering. These flagship devices offer unique features and capabilities, and in this comparative guide, we’ll explore every aspect, from design to camera performance, to help you make an informed decision between these two remarkable smartphones. Whether you’re a tech aficionado or simply in search of the perfect device to meet your daily needs, we’ve got you covered.

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Spec Comparison

Oneplus 10 proiPhone 13
Starting Price$450 (varies)$550 (varies)
Screen size6.1” inches6.7” inches
Storage128 GB, 256 GB, 512 GB128 GB, 256 GB, 512 GB
CPUSM8450 Snapdragon 8 Gen 1A15 Bionic
Refresh Rate120 Hz60Hz
Rear cameras48 MP wide, 8 MP telephoto,
50 MP ultrawide
12 MP wide, 12 MP ultrawide
Front cameras32 MP12 MP
Battery life9 Hours and 23 Minutes7 Hours and 43 Minutes
Battery size5000 mAh3240 mAh
Charging speed80W wired, 50W wireless15W wired, 7,5W wireless
Size6.42 x 2.91 x 0.34 inches5.78 x 2.81 x 0.30 inches
Weight7,09 ounces6,14 ounces
OSOxygenOs 13IOS 17
Oneplus 10 pro vs iPhone 13

Oneplus 10 pro vs iPhone 13

Overview of the Oneplus 10 pro

The OnePlus 10 Pro is an exceptional smartphone that deserves your attention. Let’s dive into what makes this phone so noteworthy.

Elegant Design

OnePlus has always been known for its sleek and stylish designs, and the 10 Pro is no exception. With its slim profile and premium materials, it not only looks great but also feels fantastic in your hand. The attention to detail in the design is evident, making it a head-turner no matter where you are.

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Stunning Display

The OnePlus 10 Pro boasts a 6.7-inch Fluid AMOLED display that delivers stunning visuals. The colors are vibrant, and the deep blacks make for a truly immersive viewing experience. What’s more, the high refresh rate ensures that everything you do on the screen is smooth and responsive, from scrolling through social media to playing games.

Powerhouse Performance

Under the hood, the OnePlus 10 Pro is powered by a formidable processor and ample RAM. This means you can expect snappy performance, whether you’re multitasking with multiple apps or indulging in some gaming sessions. It handles everything you throw at it with ease, making your smartphone experience a breeze.

Camera Excellence

Photography enthusiasts will be delighted by the OnePlus 10 Pro’s camera system. The primary camera captures stunning photos in a variety of lighting conditions, and the results are consistently impressive. The ultra-wide lens opens up creative possibilities, allowing you to capture more in your shots, while the telephoto lens provides excellent zoom capabilities, letting you get up close to your subjects.

Long-Lasting Battery

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One of the most crucial aspects of a smartphone is its battery life, and the OnePlus 10 Pro doesn’t disappoint. With a substantial battery capacity, it can easily power through an entire day of use, even if you’re a heavy user. And when it’s time to recharge, the fast-charging support ensures you’re back up to full power quickly.

User-Friendly OxygenOS

The OnePlus 10 Pro runs on OxygenOS, which is a customized version of Android designed for a seamless and user-friendly experience. It’s intuitive and easy to navigate, with plenty of customization options to tailor the phone to your preferences. You’ll feel right at home with this operating system.


In an era where connectivity matters more than ever, the OnePlus 10 Pro is ahead of the curve with its 5G support. This means you’re ready to take advantage of faster data speeds and improved connectivity as 5G networks continue to expand.

Oneplus 10 pro vs iPhone 13

Overview of the iPhone 13

Let’s take a closer look at the iPhone 13, a highly anticipated smartphone that’s creating quite a buzz.

Elegant Design

The iPhone 13 showcases Apple’s signature design excellence. Its sleek and stylish appearance is sure to catch your eye. Crafted with premium materials, it radiates quality and sophistication, fitting comfortably in your hand.

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Brilliant Display

The iPhone 13 features a remarkable display that captivates with its vibrant colors and deep blacks. Everything on the screen looks stunning, and the high refresh rate ensures a smooth and responsive user experience.

Impressive Performance

Inside the iPhone 13, there’s a powerful processor and plenty of RAM, ensuring speedy performance in everything you do. Apps launch swiftly, and multitasking is a breeze, making daily tasks effortless.

Camera Excellence

Photography enthusiasts will appreciate the iPhone 13’s camera system. The primary camera delivers exceptional photos in various lighting conditions. The ultra-wide lens expands your creative possibilities, and the telephoto lens lets you zoom in with clarity.

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Long Battery Life

Worried about your battery running low? With the iPhone 13, that’s not an issue. The device boasts impressive battery life, easily lasting all day, even under heavy use. When it’s time to recharge, it does so quickly.

User-Friendly iOS

Running on iOS, Apple’s intuitive operating system, the iPhone 13 provides a seamless user experience. It’s easy to navigate, and the App Store offers a plethora of apps to cater to your needs.


In a world that increasingly relies on fast connectivity, the iPhone 13 is prepared with 5G support. This means you can enjoy faster data speeds and better connectivity as 5G networks continue to expand.

Oneplus 10 pro vs iPhone 13

Performance and Software

When it comes to smartphones, two crucial factors are performance and software. Let’s dive into how the OnePlus 10 Pro vs iPhone 13 stack up in these departments.


The OnePlus 10 Pro vs iPhone 13 are both powerhouses in terms of performance. They are equipped with robust processors and ample RAM, ensuring that they handle tasks with ease. Whether you’re multitasking, gaming, or simply browsing the web, these phones won’t let you down.

Oneplus 10 pro: Powerful performance

The Oneplus 10 pro, powered by its efficient processor, offers snappy performance. Apps load quickly, and switching between them is seamless. It’s a great choice for those who need a device that can handle demanding tasks.

iPhone 13: With great power comes great responsibility

On the other hand, the iPhone 13, with its custom-designed Apple processor, offers a smooth and responsive experience. The optimization between hardware and software is a standout feature, resulting in impressive performance across the board.

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Oneplus 10 pro: OxygenOS

When it comes to software, the OnePlus 10 Pro runs on OxygenOS, a customized version of Android. OxygenOS is known for its clean and user-friendly interface. It’s highly customizable, allowing you to tailor the phone to your preferences. Regular updates and a vibrant user community contribute to its appeal.

iPhone 13: Classical iOS

The iPhone 13 runs on iOS, Apple’s operating system. iOS is renowned for its simplicity and intuitive design. It offers a seamless user experience with easy navigation. The App Store is a treasure trove of apps, ensuring you have access to a wide range of applications.

Both phones provide excellent software experiences, but the choice between OxygenOS and iOS ultimately depends on your personal preference. Some users prefer the Android ecosystem’s flexibility, while others appreciate the tight integration between iOS and Apple’s ecosystem.

In Conclusion

In the realm of performance and software, both the OnePlus 10 Pro vs iPhone 13 shine. They offer powerful performance, ensuring smooth usage of applications and games. The choice between them comes down to your preference for operating systems – the flexibility of OxygenOS on the OnePlus or the simplicity of iOS on the iPhone. Both devices excel in delivering a satisfying user experience, catering to various needs and preferences. Stay tuned for more comparisons to help you make an informed decision between these two fantastic smartphones.

Oneplus 10 pro vs iPhone 13

Camera and Imaging

When it comes to smartphones, the camera and imaging capabilities are often a critical deciding factor for many buyers. Let’s compare how the OnePlus 10 Pro vs iPhone 13 measure up in this important aspect.

Camera Setup

The OnePlus 10 Pro vs iPhone 13 both come equipped with versatile camera systems. These systems consist of multiple lenses that serve different purposes.

OnePlus 10 Pro: Strong contender

The OnePlus 10 Pro features a primary camera that captures sharp and vibrant photos in various lighting conditions. It also boasts an ultra-wide lens, which allows you to fit more into your shots, making it perfect for capturing landscapes or group photos. Additionally, it has a telephoto lens that provides excellent zoom capabilities, allowing you to get closer to your subjects without sacrificing quality.

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iPhone 13: Great responsibility

The iPhone 13 sports a primary camera that excels in capturing detailed and well-balanced shots. Its ultra-wide lens is great for expanding your creative horizons, while the telephoto lens delivers impressive zoom capabilities, ensuring you can get up close to your subjects with clarity.

Image Quality

Both phones deliver impressive image quality, thanks to their advanced camera technology and image processing.

OnePlus 10 Pro: Ultra Sharp

With its primary camera, the OnePlus 10 Pro produces photos with vibrant colors and sharp details. The ultra-wide lens captures expansive shots with excellent clarity, and the telephoto lens ensures that even distant subjects look great in your photos.

iPhone 13: Clear image

The iPhone 13’s primary camera consistently delivers photos with balanced colors and sharpness. Its ultra-wide lens offers excellent image quality, and the telephoto lens lets you zoom in without compromising on clarity.

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Special Features

Both the OnePlus 10 Pro vs iPhone 13 come with special features to enhance your photography experience.

OnePlus 10 Pro: Nightvision

OnePlus includes various camera modes and features, such as Nightscape for low-light photography and Pro mode for manual control over settings. These additional features provide creative options for photographers.

iPhone 13: Smart HDR

The iPhone 13 benefits from Apple’s image processing software, which enhances image quality and offers features like Smart HDR for capturing well-exposed photos and Deep Fusion for detailed shots in challenging conditions.

In Conclusion

When it comes to camera and imaging, the OnePlus 10 Pro vs iPhone 13 are strong contenders. They both offer versatile camera setups, deliver impressive image quality, come with special features for photography enthusiasts, and excel in video recording. Choosing between them may come down to your personal preference for a particular brand’s image processing or the specific photography features that matter most to you. Rest assured, whether you go with the OnePlus 10 Pro vs iPhone 13, you’ll have a powerful camera in your pocket for capturing life’s moments. Stay tuned for more comparisons to help you make an informed decision between these two exceptional smartphones.

Oneplus 10 pro vs iPhone 13

Battery Life and Charging

In today’s fast-paced world, battery life and charging are paramount considerations when choosing a smartphone. Let’s compare how the OnePlus 10 Pro vs iPhone 13 perform in these essential areas.

Battery Life

The OnePlus 10 Pro vs iPhone 13 both offer impressive battery life, ensuring that your phone can keep up with your daily activities.

OnePlus 10 Pro: Great battery

With its substantial battery capacity, the OnePlus 10 Pro can easily last an entire day on a single charge, even with heavy use. Whether you’re browsing the web, streaming videos, or using apps, you can count on it to stay powered throughout your day.

iPhone 13: Harnessing that great power

The iPhone 13 is no slouch in the battery department either. It provides excellent battery life, ensuring that you won’t be constantly searching for a charger. You can comfortably use your phone throughout the day without worrying about running out of battery.

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Charging Speed

Fast charging is a game-changer for those moments when you need a quick power boost.

OnePlus 10 Pro: Rapid Pace

OnePlus is known for its Warp Charge technology, which allows the OnePlus 10 Pro to charge rapidly. When you’re running low on battery, a short charging session can provide you with a substantial amount of power, ensuring you’re back in action in no time.

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iPhone 13: Usain Bolt

Apple’s iPhone 13 supports fast charging as well, thanks to its compatibility with the MagSafe charger. While it may not be as rapid as Warp Charge, it still provides a quick way to recharge your device when needed.

Wireless Charging

Both the OnePlus 10 Pro vs iPhone 13 support wireless charging, which adds convenience to your charging experience.

OnePlus 10 Pro: The Future

OnePlus offers wireless charging capabilities, allowing you to charge your device without plugging in a cable. This feature is handy for those who prefer a clutter-free workspace or bedside table.

iPhone 13: Magsafe Madness

The iPhone 13 is compatible with Apple’s MagSafe wireless charging system, offering a seamless and efficient way to charge your phone without cords.

In Conclusion

When it comes to battery life and charging, both the OnePlus 10 Pro and iPhone 13 excel. They provide impressive battery life, ensuring you can use your phone throughout the day without constantly searching for a charger. Additionally, they support fast charging and wireless charging, adding convenience to your daily routine. Whether you prioritize quick charging, wireless capabilities, or long-lasting battery life, both of these smartphones have you covered. Stay tuned for more comparisons to help you make an informed decision between these two exceptional devices.

Oneplus 10 pro vs iPhone 13


In the world of smartphones, choosing the right device can be a daunting task. The OnePlus 10 Pro vs iPhone 13 are both stellar contenders, each with its unique strengths and features. As we’ve explored in this comprehensive comparison, they offer remarkable qualities that cater to different user preferences and needs.

The OnePlus 10 Pro stands out with its sleek design, stunning display, powerhouse performance, versatile camera system, long-lasting battery, user-friendly OxygenOS, and 5G readiness. It’s a top choice for those who value a feature-rich and customizable Android experience.

On the other hand, the iPhone 13 impresses with its elegant design, brilliant display, exceptional performance, versatile camera system, long battery life, user-friendly iOS, and 5G support. Apple’s commitment to a seamless ecosystem and user-friendly interface makes it an appealing option for many.

Your choice between these two exceptional smartphones ultimately depends on your individual priorities and brand preferences. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a photography buff, or simply seeking a reliable device for your daily needs, both the OnePlus 10 Pro and iPhone 13 have something special to offer.

In the end, we recommend considering your priorities carefully, especially in areas like operating system, app ecosystem, and specific features you value most. No matter which path you choose, rest assured that you’re getting a powerful and reliable device that can keep up with your modern, fast-paced lifestyle.

We hope this comparison has provided you with the insights you need to make an informed decision. Stay tuned for more in-depth analyses and reviews to help you on your journey to find the perfect smartphone for your needs.